Saturday, October 20, 2007

Revival Sweeps through Paris, Tennessee

Greater Kentucky Lake GO TELL Crusade Draws Crowds of Over 10,000

615 First – time Professions of Faith Recorded

Situated on a fork of the West Sandy River, Paris, Tennessee, is home to the world’s biggest fish fry. But when Evangelist Rick Gage and his team recently joined with more than fifty churches in Henry County for a GO TELL Crusade, they started an unprecedented, sweeping revival, fishing for the souls of men and women.

Citizens were astonished when crowds exceeding 10,000 flocked to Henry County High School Football Stadium for the four-night event. By its conclusion, 893 spiritual decisions had been recorded, including 615 first-time professions of faith.

Excitement still pervades the area as reports of changed lives arrive daily. An email from a mother reads, “A million thank yous are not enough. My two oldest children were saved Sunday night, and my husband and I rededicated our lives to God. How could I begin to express my heart’s overflowing thankfulness that our once almost-broken family has come together in wonderful closeness.”

Testimonies include people delivered from organized crime, families reunited, young people delivered from drugs, relationships healed, prominent citizens led to faith in Christ, church members saved, and issues of long-term hate and bitterness resolved.

Gage, who has dedicated his life to reaching rural America for Christ, has been filling football stadiums for more than a decade in small towns across America.

During the day, Gage and his GO TELL team conducted ON TRACK School Assemblies and spoke throughout the area. Monday morning of the crusade, Henry County’s fourth through twelfth graders assembled along with school board members and the superintendent of schools. More than 3,000 students filled the high school football stadium for a school assembly where Rick Gage spoke about life’s choices with an emphasis on “bullying”.

On Tuesday morning, Rick spoke at Bethel College where more than 100 students made commitments to Christ.

“Wow, was it exciting to see how the Lord moved,” said Dr. Joe Davis, executive director of the Center for Biblical Counseling who served as the Crusade Counseling chairman. “We had trained 240 counselors, but nothing could have prepared us for what we experienced the last night of the crusade. As people began to respond to the invitation, I told the counselors, ‘You’re each going to have to counsel two people.’ But as waves of people kept coming, I said, ‘No, make it four each!’ Over 400 people came forward that night! Others are even now being saved with the awesome follow-up that is in place.”

Rick Stanley, an evangelist and step-brother of Elvis Presley, gave his testimony at the crusade and spoke at the county jail. The GO TELL team received a call from a judge asking them to visit the local jail, the Henry County Correctional Center. After a two-hour service, 126 prisoners professed their faith in Jesus Christ. Many were weeping and crying. The judge said that this was the first time she had ever witnessed such emotion from the women’s ward where the inmates often are more hardened than the men.

Crusade General Chairman, Carlton Gerrell said, “We’ve never had our local churches unite like this. As churches worked together, we felt the greatest sense of unity and a spirit of cooperation that has ever occurred in this area. Pastors are continuing to meet together and are committed to keeping each other accountable as we keep the fires of revival burning. Rick Gage is not just a vocational evangelist. He is truly anointed and called of God, and his passion and zeal for God are felt by all with whom he comes in contact. The Lord uses him mightily.”

“It was an amazing week,” commented Crusade Co-Chairman Jim Twilbeck. “God moved in mighty ways. Every night the stadium, which seats nearly 3,000, was filled to capacity with people standing on the sidelines. It was an awesome sight. There were so many decisions for Christ. Especially moving to me was seeing big, old boys, football players, with tears, getting saved. We typed up the decisions that were made every night and gave them to the area’s pastors the next day at the noon luncheon. Extensive follow-up is in place. I’ve heard from many churches that had additional decisions the Sunday after the crusade as the spirit of revival continues.”

Pastor Joe McClure of Open Doors Community Church, worked extensively on outreach. “This crusade was absolutely fantastic,” he said. “The baptismal service at the lake was wonderful and a great testimony to this county. Several churches united to baptize forty-two people. Many more will be baptized in the days ahead. I truly believe we will feel the results of this crusade in the weeks, months, and years ahead.”

“What a thrill it was to be a part of something that impacted the entire community. The crusade was a wake-up call for our different denominations. Strongholds of division among the body of Christ were broken as we all came together for one cause: to win people to Jesus Christ,” said Prayer Chairman Henry Schaadt. “Our community will never be the same again. Intense prayer for this crusade began many months ago; and now that it is over, we are continuing our prayer meetings in churches all over the county.”

Finance Chairman Bob Cathey rejoiced at the number of young men and boys who were saved during the crusade. “It was an awesome thing to see the Spirit of God all over these young men, and we are putting in a tremendous effort to disciple them. Parents have already granted permission for their sons to attend a men’s gathering where will be mentoring these boys. Practically every church that actively participated in the crusade has witnessed between five and thirty people join their church,” said Mr. Cathey.

Rick Gage has witnessed more than 250,000 decisions for Christ through his many evangelistic outreaches in America and abroad. Rick Gage GO TELL Ministries include crusades, summer youth camps, school assemblies, GO TELL Sundays, and overseas missions trips.

For more information about Rick Gage GO TELL Ministries, please call 1-866-I-GO-TELL, email at

Friday, October 19, 2007

Russia Mission Trip 2007

“When each of us accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we committed to the Great Commission. None of our lives can ever be the same after seeing despair turned to hope in the lives of so many precious Russian people. The rewards of going on a mission trip are unbelievable. You receive far more than you give.”

GO TELL Volunteer Team, 2007

Ministering love and hope in the cities of Bryansk, Dyatkovo, Slobodeshe, Jukovka, Bytosh, and Ludinovo, Russia, fifteen GO TELL Team volunteers were recently used of God to lead 220 Russian people to Christ, while encouraging and ministering aid to hundreds.

The GO TELL Team consisted of volunteers from seven states. Ministering in schools, orphanages, churches, a rehabilitation center, a senior home, and on the streets, they gave out 750 pounds of aid, 1,000 pieces of Christian literature and Bibles, and gospel bracelets. Almost $14,000 in cash was also given to churches and other Christian organizations.

Feeling directly led by God to go to Russian with the GO TELL Team, Pastor Steve Nixon committed his father-in-law, who was suffering with a brain tumor, into God’s hands. “I rested in the confidence that my father-in-law knew Christ as Savior,” said Pastor Nixon. “I knew I was needed to go 15,000 miles to fulfill the Great Commission because people on the other side of the world need Jesus too.

“In a cold, dark Russian Rehabilitation Center for alcoholics and drug addicts, I found cold men whose hollow countenances knew no joy. They were desperate for someone whom they could trust to love them. After sharing Christ with them, our team witnessed 20 men accept Christ as Lord and Savior. The change in them was miraculous. Victor told me that as I preached, his heart longed for what I was sharing. By the time I had finished, he said he knew that the Lord had delivered him and set him free from drugs and alcohol.”

Just fifteen years old, Terri Medley made a life-changing decision. “This trip to Russia was incredible. The hopelessness in the faces of the Russian people, including the children was heartbreaking. I will never forget two little girls named Kristina and Natasha, both with shaved heads, who I met in a children’s home. After I gave them each some stickers and a teddy bear, they were desperate to communicate. Luba, our translator, figured out what they were so anxious about—wondering if they could actually keep their bears. The overwhelming look of joy on their faces when I told them they were a gift was absolutely priceless. Love, affection, and the good news of Jesus Christ changed them and in doing so, made certain to me what the Lord wants me to do with my life.”

After hearing Rick Gage speak at her church, Rebecca Dempsey surrendered her life to God to go on missions trips to Russia although she was facing many medical problems at the time. This trip was her seventh time to minister in Russia. “Each trip brings so much joy,” she said. “It is hard to explain the change in the eyes of a seemingly hopeless child who blossoms like a flower after being shown love. Just reaching out with a sticker, a balloon, a Bible, and a smile opens them up to receive the message of Jesus’ love.

“A very special experience for me this year was meeting a Russian woman who was drawn to me at a prison. She and I bonded as we shared common problems. She left me knowing Jesus lived in her heart and clutching a Bible which she clung to as her lifeline. No matter where we go, hurting people are looking for answers that can only be found in Jesus.”

Mechelle Bryant wrote of her trip, “This was my third year to go on the Russian Missions trip with GO TELL Ministries. Each year is different, but it is the way God has called me to fulfill the Great Commission. God has really placed a burden on my heart for the Russian people, especially the orphans. I like to go in and hug those sweet kids and hopefully leave a bright spot in their lives. Their situations are so bleak, and I believe our trips make an eternal difference in many of the people we meet. Each time I return to America I think I have left a little of my heart with the orphaned children. I want to keep sharing Jesus and doing what I can to make a better life for them.”

Jesse Laine expressed thanks to be part of a team that was privileged to share Jesus Christ with the Russian people. “At an old folk’s home, I had the chance to sit with a Russian woman who knew no English. Since no interpreters were available, I just tied a gospel bracelet on her arm that I had made for her and sat close to her. She began to cry and kiss me all over. I sat and extended love to this woman the entire time we were there. Later I was told that people in that home never get visitors. It was a special moment and an honor for me to be able to be an extension of God’s love to this woman.”

Youth Pastor Hal Clifton first heard about GO TELL’S Russia Missions Trip at a GO TELL Summer Youth Camp where he has been taking his youth groups for the past seven years. “Last year when I went on the Russia missions trip I cried every day,” said Pastor Hal. “This year I was thrilled to be taking one of my youth on the trip, but was burned out when I left because of pressures and the hectic pace of life. It didn’t take long for the Lord to put things in perspective for me and refresh my spirit. When you get to minister alongside the greatest team anyone could ever work with and see the Lord use each of you in His divine appointments, you are transformed too.”

Since beginning its ministry in Russia in 1992, God has greatly blessed the efforts of GO TELL Ministries in that land where its teams have seen literally thousands of Russians come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Rick Gage says, “As long as God gives me strength, I will continue to take GO TELL Teams of volunteers back to that desperate land where the Spirit of God is moving and precious Russian people are hungry for the gospel message. Those who go on an overseas missions trip with us are forever changed as they share their faith and experience the power of God in a foreign land.”

For more information about Rick Gage GO TELL Ministries, please call 1-866-I-GO-TELL; email at or visit the website at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

“Small Town Billy Graham” to Hold Crusade in Paris, Tennessee

PARIS, Tenn. (Sept. 11, 2007) – Evangelist Rick Gage, once dubbed “the Small Town Billy Graham” by the Associated Press because of his emphasis on outreaches in small communities, will conduct his Greater Kentucky Lake Go Tell Crusade at Patriot Stadium at Henry County High School Sept. 16-19, 2007, beginning at 7 p.m. each night.

Rick Stanley, step-brother of the late Elvis Presley, will share his testimony at the crusade Sept. 17. Stanley served as personal assistant to Presley and became a Christian shortly after his death. He has been in ministry for more than 25 years, has spoken in more than 4,000 churches and to millions of young people about the problems of alcohol and drugs.

University of Tennessee head football coach Phillip Fulmer will give his testimony via video Sept. 18.

Chuck Sullivan with Chuck Sullivan Music Ministries will serve as worship leader for the crusade, and guest artists Amy Lowry of Nashville and Joy Fowler of Atlanta will perform each night. Sept. 19 is student night, with free pizza offered beginning at 6 p.m.

“We are very excited that Rick Gage is holding a crusade in Paris. He is a dynamic, much sought-after speaker who is making a difference in communities across America,” said Carlton Gerrell, chairman of the Greater Kentucky Lake Go Tell Crusade.

“Rick challenges, inspires, and motivates people of all ages; and we believe his life-changing message will have a very positive influence on our community,” he added.

For more than a decade, Gage has been filling high school football stadiums with Graham-style crusades in small communities like Dalhart, Texas; Gaffney, South Carolina; Gardendale, Alabama; and Dublin, Georgia.

As with Billy Graham Crusades, local churches work together to help make the crusades a success by nurturing new believers as they follow Christ – only there may be dozens of churches instead of hundreds.

“God gave me a heart for rural America,” said Gage whose ministry is headquartered in the Atlanta area. “People in small towns need Jesus just as much as in big towns.”

Over the years, many well-known individuals have spoken on Gage’s platform, including nationally known athletes; two former Miss Americas; and Christian leaders Josh McDowell, Dr. Jerry Falwell, and James Robison. Major college football coaches Tommy Bowden and Mark Richt; Mike Ditka, former coach of the Chicago Bears; and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar all have endorsed his ministry.

Gage and his crusade team also visit local prisons, youth detention centers, and high schools where his nationally acclaimed On Track school assembly program focuses on life’s choices concerning drugs, alcohol abuse, teen suicide, and premarital sex. On Track has touched two million students nationwide.

In addition to crusades, Gage started a Go Tell youth camp ministry in 1989. Since then, Go Tell camps in Colorado, Georgia, Florida, New Mexico, Texas, and Virginia have trained more than 75,000 teens and leaders in evangelism. Camp speakers have included well-known Christian leaders such as Ergun Caner, Johnny Hunt, James Merritt, and Josh McDowell, and professional football players Shaun Alexander and Danny Wuerffel.

Gage’s life story is chronicled in the book More Than a Game. As Mark Richt, head football coach of the University of Georgia Bulldogs, notes in the foreword, “This book is not about football; and actually, it’s not about Rick Gage. It’s about the wonderful grace of God who extends His love to you and me through Jesus Christ.”

For more information about the Kentucky Lake Go Tell Crusade, call (731) 642-4641. For more information about Gage’s ministry, visit

Sunday, August 19, 2007

God blesses GO TELL Ministries’ Costa Rica team


God blesses GO TELL Ministries’ Costa Rica team
with wonderful harvest.

Ministering love and hope overseas is a vital aspect of GO TELL Ministries. During a recent overseas trip to Costa Rica, 23 volunteers were blessed to lead 165 precious Costa Ricans to Christ while distributing much Christian literature and humanitarian aid.

“Only 3% of Costa Rica’s 4.5 million people claim to be Christians,” says Rick Gage. “As long as God gives me strength, I will continue to take GO TELL Teams of volunteers overseas to countries like this where the Spirit of God is moving and precious people are hungry for the gospel message.”

“When I signed up to go to Costa Rica, I really didn’t know what to expect since it was my first mission trip,” said Lisa Parrish. “What I walked away with has changed me forever. I came home with a new appreciation for my many blessings and a new appreciation for the work of evangelism. I saw many hungry for the gospel and the truth of Christ, and witnessed many accept Him as Savior. The dedication, love, and commitment of the missionaries serving in that area was unbelievable.


• 165 first-time professions of faith in Jesus Christ

• The gospel shared in 12 schools, churches, orphanages, a nursing home, a juvenile jail, on the streets, in homes, and in town squares

• Over 1,000 pounds of food, clothing, and medical supplies distributed

• More than 500 New Testaments given to the Costa Rican people

• 1,200 gospel bracelets given out

• Hundreds of tracts distributed

• 23 team members

“I was particularly moved by two young girls who accepted Christ at a juvenile jail facility. One had murdered a man and was serving a 14-year sentence. She was absolutely amazed to learn that Jesus had died for her sins and that they could be forgiven and washed away. As we prayed with these them and they accepted Christ as Savior, you could feel the strong moving of the Holy Spirit. It was an unforgettable experience to see their lives transformed forever by God.”

One million Costa Ricans, many of them children, live in the refugee camps of San Jose which are literally sunken garbage holes. Their homes are tin shacks.

“What touched me the most about the trip was The Hole,” said Tracy Steward. “It was heart breaking. One particular house we visited had a mom alone, trying to take care of four children. The 18-year-old daughter tried to help out. She spent three days braiding a bag fabric for which she was paid one dollar. Their home had a dirt floor, with some pieces of tin for a roof over some old boards. When it rained their house would flood. It rained every night we were in Costa Rica, and every night I thought of those people. This trip changed me. I had never felt God’s power like I did there. He is an awesome God who loves people and wants us to take them his liberating message.”

“The most heart-touching scene for me was Los Guidos, ‘the Hole.’ It was a dump with people living in it,” wrote 15-year-old Melissa Medley. “I had never left the country, been on a mission trip before, or left my parents for so long, but I knew it was God’s will for me to go, so I left my fears with Him. And the trip was the best thing that ever happened to me. Seeing the look of shock on the faces of the people when they heard that there is a way to heaven and that Jesus loves them and wants to save them, is indescribable. They were so receptive of the hope we gave them and so thankful.

“My whole view of life is different now. I know that God wants me to spread His Word like wildfire. Because of this trip there will be many more mission trips for me.”

Most American children cast a wary eye at big Phil Keown who could double for “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. That’s why Phil was deeply touched when God allowed Costa Rican’s children to be drawn to him and realized his greatest ministry with them. Speaking to a group one day about the love of God, Phil witnessed four adults and several children accept Christ as Savior. “One of the highlights of my trip,” summarized Phil, “was ministering love and hope to a little girl named Cynthia who crawled up in my lap and sat there for two hours while we watched a movie which presented the gospel. That little girl needed the love of Jesus and the human touch to convey that love to her. While seeking to bless her, I was enormously blessed myself.”

Ginger Squires and her two daughters have been attending GO TELL Camps since 2003. “It was at camp that we heard about the Costa Rica trip, and I just knew we all had to go,” said Ginger. “We love GO TELL Camp because Rick Gage’s priority is reaching people for Christ. Our lives and churches are dead without that. I knew this mission trip would be one of the greatest gifts we could give our daughters. Anything you do with GO TELL Ministries leaves you with a changed heart and life forever.

“God often works in strange ways to accomplish His purposes. The greatest impact on my youngest daughter’s life was the outpouring of love she experienced when she got dehydrated. The local pastor and his family took her into their home. Filled with hearts of love, the pastor’s little girls cooled off Roxanne by lovingly washing her hair and caring for her. At the pastor’s request, a disabled, one-armed man brought her fresh coconuts on his bicycle. The demonstration of love my daughter witnessed by people truly sold out to Christ is something that left her changed.”

A school teacher, Laynne Earnest had her summer completely planned out when she heard about the Costa Rica trip. “I wanted to go,” she said, “but there was no way with my schedule.” A sudden illness opened the door for everything to change, and Laynne was able to follow her heart to obey God’s command to “Go.”

“What Satan meant for evil, God used for good,” said Laynne. “The blessings of the trip are too numerous to count. I will never forget witnessing to people on the street. One man in particular will forever be etched in my heart. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was sent to Costa Rica for this divine encounter which resulted in his glorious salvation. George had been contemplating suicide before meeting Christ. Oh, the joy on his face! From darkness to light! To God be the glory!”

God will go to untold lengths to see that people whose hearts are hungry hear the truth of his Word. Laid off from his job of 27 years on June 29th, Alan Cothran was in the midst of a job search when he felt led to go to Costa Rica. He decided to go anyway and to wait on the Lord. Two hours before he left for Costa Rica, Alan received word from a company that he had been hired and that they would gladly wait for him to return from his mission trip. “What a tremendous thing it was,” said Alan “to know that God is always on time in our lives. The trip was such a blessing. What a great thing it was to see the Lord bring 23 different personalities with different lives and stories together in a common bond, with one purpose—to invite others to accept Jesus as Savior. Many of us are already planning to return next summer.”

Pastor Michael Bowen and his wife, Jennifer, took five people from their church who had never been on an overseas mission trip. They already have over 20 who plan to go on a GO TELL mission trip next year. “It was a great trip,” said Michael. “It is so wonderful to be able to minister to people who are hungry for the gospel. They are amazed at the message of hope in Christ Jesus and amazed at the words of Scripture. What a tremendous blessing it was for a girl on our team to lead her first person to Christ. I don’t know who was happier—she or the teenager she led to Christ.”

“This mission trip was absolutely amazing and life changing,” said Brookes Brinson. “The elderly people at the nursing home captured my heart, as did the orphans who have nothing. My heart was broken for little children living in The Hole whose mothers leave them alone while they go out trying to earn a meager living. All of them were so eager to know and learn about Jesus. The missionaries and the translators work so hard and are so dedicated.

“A precious memory for me was of a lady on a bench in downtown San Jose who motioned to me to come and talk to her. As I told her the story of Jesus, I could just see her heart begin to melt. After we prayed and she accepted Christ, she got up and began to skip around. She was so happy she kissed both me and the translator on both cheeks before she skipped away. How you can ever be the same again after that, I don’t know.”

“The Lord blessed and moved in powerful ways in San Jose and the surrounding areas, changing precious souls for all eternity,” said leader Bob Thompson. “It was an awesome thing to be in on what God is doing around the world in the lives of people hungry for the gospel message. I count it a great privilege to be used to usher people into His Kingdom.”

For more information about GO TELL Ministries, call 1-866-I-GO-TELL; email at or visit the website at

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Gage returning to midstate with another Go Tell Crusade

Evangelist Rick Gage, who has been called the "small-town Billy Graham," will hold a kickoff banquet Jan. 8 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry to gear up for an upcoming crusade in Warner Robins.

The Mid-State Go Tell Crusade is planned for April 29-May 2 at McConnell-Talbert Stadium.

For a decade, Gage, a former college football coach, has been filling high school football stadiums with Graham-style crusades in small communities like Dalhart, Texas; Gaffney, S.C.; Gardendale, Ala.; and, earlier this year, Dublin.

"We are very excited that Rick Gage is holding a crusade in Warner Robins. He is a dynamic, much sought-after speaker who is making a difference in communities across America," Audrey George, chairwoman of the Mid-State Go Tell Crusade, said in a release.

"Rick challenges, inspires and motivates people of all ages, and we believe his life-changing message will have a very positive influence on our community."

The kickoff banquet will be at 7 p.m. Jan. 8 at the Miller-Murphy-Howard Building at the Georgia National Fairgrounds. James Merritt, past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, will be the guest speaker.

For banquet ticket information, call 953-7480 or visit the crusade Web site at For more about Gage's ministry, visit