Monday, November 3, 2008

Note from Coach Aycock


This is Coach Jason Aycock. I just wanted you to know what a blessing it was to have you come to the East Prairie Football locker room and speak to the players. I needed to tell you this because it has been on my mind ever since you came. When you first asked to speak, I thought you were going to give a speech on choices and that was it. Then when you began to explain the gospel to those players, I got very nervous. You know how strict schools are today about promoting religion. My mind was whirling, and I came very close to stopping you. I didn't want to, but my thinking was confused as I thought about my job versus my faith. Well, you know what won. Something came over me that day. It was as if I felt God grab me and say, "This is my man speaking. You sit down and let him go." The Lord touched me that day.

When these events occurred, I knew something very special was going to happen that day. And it most certainly did! Twenty-seven of my thirty-nine players surrendered their lives to Christ! I want you to know that this has been the talk of Mississippi County. It was a tremendous blessing for me because God showed me that He wants to bring revival to football teams as well as churches.

What happened here at our school is monumental. It made me think that if one lady in the past could remove prayer from our schools, one football coach could make a difference and see it put back in. I would love to hear back from you on this. I need your support and guidance regarding how I can go about this. I know that the devil will attack me, but I feel we must stand and do something.

What do you think?

Coach Jason Aycock
East Prairie