To God be the glory for the great things He has done! We have seen more than 3,000 people make commitments to Christ through the ministries of GO TELL this year. We are grateful for your prayers and support which enable us to reach so many with the Gospel.
Recently, a couple from Reynoldsburg, Ohio, wrote, "Our 16-year-old son Daniel accepted Christ during your recent visit to Jersey Baptist Church. Praise the Lord! Thank you for your ministry! My wife and I had been praying for him for some time. May the Lord bless you for your work and ministry!"
Reaching people for Christ is the mission of GO TELL Ministries and the heartbeat of God. Thank you for believing in this evangelistic ministry.
We are certainly aware of the difficult economic times everyone is facing and the impact they are having on families across our nation. For instance, we received a note from a teenager, who had been touched by God at our GO TELL Camps, that said, "I love GO TELL Ministries and ask that you pray for my family this winter. We are living in a camper with hardly any heat, but we are together and that is all that matters."
Times are truly tough for so many families who are concerned with job security and how to pay their bills. Due to the worldwide recession and economic downturn, many of our donors have not been able to continue their financial support of this ministry.
In addition, many of our ministry events did not have the participation that was expected, resulting in a substantial loss in revenue. This downturn has created a large deficit in our ministry and a huge financial burden.
Please consider helping us with the following stewardship plan:
- Pray. Prayer is asking, and the answer to prayer is receiving.
- Consider helping us change lives for eternity and save yourself extra dollars by making a charitable gift of appreciated stock or appreciated property to GO TELL Ministries.
- Give $20. If everyone receiving this newsletter would give $20, we could easily knock out the deficit and be totally ministry-focused going into the New Year to reach a harvest of lost souls.
I eagerly await your reply and will be praying for God to work a mighty miracle.

Rick Gage
Help us reach more souls in 2010 by giving an online donation to GO TELL today!
Click here to download our 2009 Ministry Newsletter.