Monday, May 22, 2006

Rick Gage Middle Georgia Crusade Draws Thousands

by Ruth McClellan
May 22, 2006

Evangelist Rick Gage has been filling football stadiums for more than a decade in small towns across America. Many were skeptical that he could do it here in Dublin.

Citizens were astonished when, despite predictions of rain each evening, thousands flocked to West Laurens High School Football Stadium for the four-night event. By the conclusion of the Rick Gage Crusade, 465 spiritual decisions had been recorded, including 211 first-time professions of faith.

Crusade Chairman Skip Evans, a Christian businessman, summarized the impact the crusade had on his life by saying, “It was a tremendous crusade. It was an awesome experience to sit on the stage and watch each night as people came forward and to see their lives miraculously changed by the power of God. There is excitement in our county.

“Everywhere I go people are still talking about what the Lord did, and our hearts are filled with gratitude. I truly believe the impact of this crusade will have far-reaching results and will be felt for years to come. The possibilities are limitless as we all continue to work together to see this move of God continue.”

Crusade Co-chair Anne Payne was especially impressed with the lives that were changed by the crusade. “The Lord really blessed our community,” she said. “It was overwhelming to walk through the counseling section in the end zone after each service and see ordinary people with their Bibles open, loving others to Christ. It was a tremendous witnessing effort I will never forget.”

Pastor Joe Sloakum of Poplar Springs North Baptist Church rejoiced in how the community pulled together for a common purpose. “What God did was incredible. Churches came together across denominational and racial lines with a united goal of loving and reaching people. We worked together, and that common bond enabled us to see people come to Christ who would never set foot in a church. We carried church to them and introduced them to Christ. The first Sunday morning after the crusade, I looked out over our congregation at people who had never been in a church except for a wedding or a funeral. Now they were worshipping the Lord with us for the first time, and it was truly a beautiful thing to see!”

Rick Stanley, an evangelist and step-brother of Elvis Presley, gave the testimony of his life story at the crusade. He has spoken at four Billy Graham crusades.

Associate Pastor of Dublin First United Methodist Church, John Drake, who served as the crusade’s chairman of the Counselors and Follow-up Committee, spoke of his formation of a ministerial association as a result of the crusade. “God moved in mighty ways, changing lives all across the community. Unchurched people found Christ as Savior; ministers were revitalized; and scores were brought to a closer walk with Christ. Church members saw those for whom they had prayed for many years come to Christ. Nothing will build up your faith more than that.”

A Wednesday Youth Night was the culmination of Rick Gage’s outreach to the Middle Georgia region. More than 4,000 people attended that evening; and over 1,000 students (youth) were treated to a free pizza blast prior to the evening service.

Talk of the crusade is still a main topic of conversation in and around Dublin. Miracle stories abound and are readily and excitedly shared. A few include: relationships that were healed; couples united; an alcoholic man saved whose family had prayed for him for years; forgiveness extended; denominational barriers broken down; family members saved—sons and fathers, grandmothers and granddaughters, and young people with tears bringing their friends to Christ.

The GO TELL Crusade Team conducted fourteen ON TRACK School Assembly Programs in area middle and high schools. More than 6,000 students listened intently to sobering talks which addressed issues dealing with life’s choices and the dangers of drugs, alcohol abuse, teen suicide, and premarital sex. These students were invited to attend the crusade.

More than sixty decisions for Christ were made at Trinity Christian School. Says student Charlsie Gerrard, “The crusade was awesome — one of the greatest things that has ever happened in my life. Our football coach brought the entire team to the crusade straight from practice. They were still in their uniforms. As you looked out during the invitation time, it was an amazing sight to see many bowed in prayer in their uniforms all over the end zone. Lifetime decisions for Christ were made, and I can already tell a difference in my school.”

“God has burdened my heart to take the gospel to as many towns as possible in my lifetime,” Gage says. “Everywhere I go, people are personally embracing the gospel message. It is hope for the individual, for society, and for the world. Saturating our communities across America with the gospel must be done at all costs. It takes time, money, and involvement to reach lost people; but it will be eternally worth it one day.”

For more information about Rick Gage GO TELL Ministries, please email or visit his website at