Monday, November 3, 2008

Rick Gage Crusades Rock Georgia's Historic Heartland and Russell County, Kentucky

The Spirit of God moved as lives were eternally changed in two recent crusades in Madison, Georgia, and Russell County, Kentucky.

More than 700 spiritual decisions were recorded during the crusades with almost 400 first-time professions of faith. The GO TELL Crusade Team ministered in jails and in county middle and high schools, presenting their nationally-acclaimed On Track School Assembly Program. This drew hundreds of students to each of the crusade’s Wednesday Youth Nights where scores made decisions for Christ.

Crusade Chairman Keith Kelly was excited to serve again as chairman at Madison’s second GO TELL Crusade. “We had a GO TELL Crusade in 2004 that was the most phenomenal thing Morgan County has ever witnessed. It started fires of revival that swept through our county uniting churches, individuals, and races, and it has had lasting results” said Keith.

“We had a completely new group of young people in our high school and wanted them to experience a real move of God. If it could be possible, this crusade was even better than the last one!

“It’s difficult to put into words what it means to see a young man, a middle-school football leader, get saved, then turn around the next night and bring eight of his team members to the crusade. Every one of them was also saved!

“At the invitation of the head high school football coach, Rick Gage spoke to the high school varsity team. One coach and 25 players prayed to receive Christ as Savior at that meeting! It is phenomenal how the Lord works. A distinguished UGA football player is joining the FCA staff that will work in our county and several nearby counties to help follow up and disciple all the athletes who got saved at the crusade.”

Many from both crusades testified to the life-changing impact of Christians from many different churches coming together to work for a common cause. Churches reported that God had worked in incredible ways through the crusade to unify their congregations as well as congregations from church to church.

“The pastors here in Russell County, Kentucky, are excited about how God used the crusade to unite us, breaking down strongholds and barriers that existed between our churches,” said Pastor Rick Mann. “We’re working together to support an Addiction Ministry that will minister the love of Christ to many who desperately need this kind of ministry.

“I deeply appreciate Rick Gage and his staff’s commitment to seeing people come to Christ and then seeing churches come together to disciple those people. The daily luncheons with the crusade staff and those who had made decisions at the crusade were special times. Not only was it a tremendous testimony time for those who had made decisions, but we were all encouraged with how important it is to follow-up with each decision.

“The day after the crusade, we had our final luncheon. I thought Rick Gage would be in a hurry to get away and begin his five-hour drive home. Instead, he went with some men to witness to a man who they felt burdened to see. That man accepted Christ while sitting on his lawnmower!

“This man who got saved is an avid fisherman. Last evening (September 18th), at the conclusion of a fishing tournament, he testified in front of all his fishing buddies and then was baptized right there at the boat ramp at Lake Cumberland. Between 60 and 70 people were there to see him baptized. Nothing can compare to that kind of excitement!”

Both counties have reported baptisms every Sunday in various churches. Stories abound about businessmen and women being saved; counselors taking off their badges and getting saved, long-standing church members getting saved, and many bringing their friends and loved ones to the crusades and witnessing their salvation.

As counseling chairman, Pastor Tom Duff was thrilled to be a part of seeing so many people come to Christ. “It was great,” he says. “I loved the high energy of the crusade, and now the follow-up that is so critical. We have five ready to baptize and will baptize others also. I asked one young man who was one of our crusade counselors when he had been saved. He answered, ‘At the Rick Gage Crusade four years ago.’ This is a lasting work that will have an impact for years to come.”

Hank Parker, a professional bass fisherman who is seen on his popular television show, gave a powerful testimony at the crusades. He was so moved by the work of GO TELL Ministries and what he witnessed at the crusades that he donated his personal bass boat to GO TELL Ministries.

Hospitality Chairwoman Mary Jean Smith spoke of the crusade in glowing terms: “It was such a privilege to serve as part of this crusade that was indeed orchestrated by God. My impressions are from the inside of things, and I was thrilled to see Rick Gage’s true heart. He is a man consumed with seeing people come to a personal relationship with Christ. I was truly inspired to reach out to people everywhere and be aware of everyone around me.

“The highlight of the crusade for me was helping to lead three young girls to Christ. I am in awe of that moment. I’ve already seen ten students baptized as a result of the crusade. Another direct outgrowth of the crusade is my starting a discipleship class for children grades 1-6. We will not only be following up on those who were saved, but we will continue to lead people to Christ in our county as churches work together.”