March 25-26, 2011
Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa, GA
We met with our leadership team for the Girls Retreat this week. We are all getting really excited about the cool stuff that is being planned for this weekend ..... fashion shows, girly parties, fun with friends - just to name a few things.
We also have some amazing speakers coming in to share with us:
Tammie Head will be our speaker during the main sessions. She's a friend of Beth Moore and a great speaker that talks right to the heart of the matter.
Monica Rose will be joining us, as well, for some breakout times. She's the Professor of Women's Ministry at Liberty University and has a heart for girls.
Our worship leaders are incredible as well. Awaken is a worship ministry from Liberty University made up of girls only - how cool is that!!! And Meredith Andrews will be joining us as well. Check out Meredith's page: http://www.meredithandrews.com/.
You don't want to miss this amazing weekend!!!