GO TELL Ministries
has FREE scholarships still available
for our summer internship program.
The College at Southwestern
Three FREE tuition scholarships are available to give to new students who feel called to ministry and would like to attend the College at Southwestern in Fort Worth, Texas during the 2011-12 school year.Campbellsville University
Three FREE half tuition scholarships are available to give to a new or current student who feels called to ministry and would like to attend or is attending Campbellsville University in Campbellsville, Kentucky during the 2011-12 school year.If you are interested or know someone who would be interested in being a GO TELL Summer Intern and would like to receive one of the scholarships above, contact our office immediately at 1-866-I-GO-TELL or email us at info@gotellministries.com. You may also visit us online at www.gotellministries.com/intern for more information.
Take advantage of this incredibel life-changing opportunity!